Press release (link)
The Giant Vesicle Book edited by Rumiana Dimova and Carlos Marques (CRC Press) DOI:10.1201/9781315152516
Giant vesicles are widely used as a model membrane system, both for basic biological systems and for their promising applications in the development of smart materials and cell mimetics. The Giant Vesicle Book is meant to be a road companion, a trusted guide for those making their first steps in this field as well as a source of information required by experts.

A giant THANK YOU to all contributors and to Carlos Marques for the quite enjoyable co-editorship!
Table of content
Part I: The making of
Chapter 1 Preparation methods for giant unilamellar vesicles Rumiana Dimova, Pasquale Stano, Carlos M. Marques and Peter Walde Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). Methods based on vesicle swelling on substrates. Methods based on assembly from fluid interfaces. Dealing with lipids. Which method to choose? |
Chapter 2 Preparation and properties of giant plasma membrane vesicles and giant unilamellar vesicles from natural membranes Joseph H. Lorent and Ilya Levental Introductory words. Complexity of biological membranes. Giant plasma membrane vesicles (GPMVs). Preparation of GPMVs. Preparation of GUVs from natural membranes. Red blood cell ghosts. Rafting into the future. |
Chapter 3 Protein reconstitution in giant vesicles Matthias Garten, Daniel Lévy and Patricia Bassereau Introduction. Reconstitution of membrane proteins in small unilamellar vesicles (proteoliposomes). Giant vesicles prepared from proteoliposomes by dehydration/rehydration techniques. Post-incorporation of transmembrane proteins in giant vesicles. Some applications of the proteo-GUVs, past and future potential. |
Chapter 4 GUVs with cytoskeleton Tobias Härtel and Petra Schwille Next level of complexity in a bottom-up approach of building cell-like compartments. Functions of the cortex/cytoskeleton. Composition and structure of cortex/cytoskeleton. Experimental protocols to anchor filaments. Applications of eukaryotic membrane-cytoskeleton systems. Applications of prokaryotic minimal cortices. Applications with archaeal proteins: membrane deformations by CDVA-CDVB filaments. Summary and outlook. |
Part II: Giant vesicles theoretically and in silico
Chapter 5 Understanding giant vesicles – a theoretical perspective Reinhard Lipowsky Introduction and overview. Basic aspects of biomembranes and multi-responsive behavior of GUVs. Curvature of membranes. Curvature elasticity of uniform membranes. Multi-sphere shapes of uniform membranes. Nanotubes of uniform membranes. Adhesion of vesicles. Membrane phase separation and multi-domain vesicles. Wetting of membranes by aqueous phases and water-in-water droplets. Topological transformations of membranes. Summary and outlook. |
Chapter 6 Simulating membranes, vesicles, and cells Thorsten Auth, Dmitry A. Fedosov and Gerhard Gompper Introduction. Membrane models and simulation techniques. Applications. Conclusions and outlook. |
Chapter 7 Theory of vesicle dynamics in flow and electric fields Petia M. Vlahovska and Chaouqi Misbah Introduction. Problem formulation. Asymptotic solution for small deformations. Examples: a quasi–spherical vesicle in external fields. Outlook. |
Chapter 8 Particle-membrane interactions Jaime Agudo-Canalejo, Reinhard Lipowsky Introduction and overview. Different processes induced by particle-membrane interactions. Basic aspects of particle engulfment. Engulfment of rigid spherical particles. Engulfment of complex particles. Engulfment of multiple particles. Outlook. |
Chapter 9 Theory of polymer-membrane interactions Fabrice Thalmann and Carlos M. Marques Bilayers and polymers are intimate old friends. How do polymers interact with membranes? Membranes in a solution of depleted nanoparticles: rods and spheres. Membranes in solutions of non-ionic polymers. Membranes ornamented by end-grafted polymers. Charged membranes and charged polymers. Insertions of polymers in the bilayer. The bilayer as a polymer confinement medium. The section for the impatient: look up technique. Looking ahead. |
Part III: GUV-based techniques and what one can learn from them
Chapter 10 Application of optical microscopy techniques on giant unilamellar vesicles Luis A. Bagatolli Introduction. Label-free optical microscopy techniques. Fluorescence microscopy techniques. Applications of SHG and CAR microscopy on GUVs. Combining fluorescence microscopy of ruptured vesicles with AFM. Conclusions and perspectives. |
Chapter 11 Mechanics assays of synthetic lipid membranes based on micropipette aspiration Elisa Parra and David Needham Historical overview. Experimental setup for micropipette manipulation. Micromechanics of single giant unilamellar vesicles. Molecular exchange and interactions between pairs of vesicles. Outlook: conclusions and combination between the micropipette technique and other approaches. |
Chapter 12 Atomic force microscopy of giant unilamellar vesicles Andreas Janshoff Introduction. Atomic force microscopy. Contact mechanics. Membrane mechanics. Modeling GUV mechanics probed with an AFM. Indentation of sessile GUVs. Conclusions and outlook. |
Chapter 13 Manipulation and biophysical characterization of GUVs with an optical stretcher Gheorghe Cojoc, Antoine Girot, Ulysse Delabre and Jochen Guck Introductory words. Optical stretching basics. Building an optical stretcher. Deformation of vesicles without heating: mechanical investigation. Deformation of vesicles with heating: thermodynamic investigation. Discussion. Outlook. |
Chapter 14 Vesicle fluctuation analysis John Hjort Ipsen, Allan Grønhøj Hansen and Tripta Bhatia Introduction. The measurement. Estimation of the correlation function. Applications. Discussion and conclusions. |
Chapter 15 Using electric fields to assess membrane material properties in GUVs Rumiana Dimova and Karin A. Riske Introductory words. Some equations. How to measure membrane properties by exposing GUVs to electric fields. Assessing overall vesicle properties and manipulation of GUVs. Experimental chambers for studying GUVs exposed to electric fields and tips for successful experiments. Final words. |
Chapter 16 Creating membrane nanotubes from GUVs Coline Prévost, Mijo Simunovic and Patricia Bassereau Introduction. Physics of a membrane nanotube connected to a GUV. Pulling nanotubes with optical tweezers. Pulling nanotubes without optical tweezers. Past and potential future applications of nanotubes. |
Chapter 17 Measuring GUV adhesion Kheya Sengupta and Ana Smith Introductory words. Context. Ingredients. Measurement of shape. Accurate measure of fluctuations. Imaging molecules and bonds. De-adhesion force. Concluding discussions. |
Chapter 18 Phase diagrams and tie lines in GUVs Matthew C. Blosser, Caitlin Cornell, Scott P. Rayermann and Sarah L. Keller Introduction. Identifying coexisting phases in GUVs. Identifying tie lines in GUVs. Experimental caveats. Parting thoughts. |
Chapter 19 Vesicle dynamics in flow: an experimental approach Victor Steinberg and Michael Levant Introduction. Dynamics of a vesicle in a linear flow. Vesicle dynamics in an elongation flow. Role of thermal noise in vesicle dynamics. Hydrodynamic interaction of vesicles and dynamics of vesicles under confinement. Outlook. |
Chapter 20 Membrane permeability measurements Begoña Ugarte-Uribe, Ana J. García-Sáez and Mireille M. A. E. Claessens Membrane permeability. Permeability to water. Permeability to other molecules. Pore forming proteins and peptides. Outlook: control over permeability. |
Part IV: GUVs as membrane interaction platforms
Chapter 21 Lipid and protein mobility in GUVs Begoña Ugarte-Uribe, Kushal Kumar Dasand Ana J. García-Sáez Introduction. Selection of probes for studying membrane dynamics. Fluorescence correlation microscopy. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Single molecule imaging. Future outlook. |
Chapter 22 Shining light on membranes Rosangela Itri, Carlos M. Marques and Mauricio S. Baptista Membranes and light. GUVs as a support to understand photoreceptors. Photoinduced physical transformations. Photoinduced chemical transformations. Membranes and light in medicine, dermo-cosmetics and pharmaceutics. The challenges ahead. |
Chapter 23 Protein-membrane interactions Eva M Schmid and Daniel A Fletcher Introduction. Background. Experimental methods for investigating protein-membrane interactions. Polymerization-driven membrane bending. Crowding-driven membrane bending. Size-dependent protein sorting at membrane interfaces. Summary and outlook. |
Chapter 24 Effects of antimicrobial peptides and detergents on GUVs Karin A. Riske Introductory words. Experimental methodology. Mode of action of antimicrobial peptides. Solubilization of GUVs by detergents. Final words. |
Chapter 25 Lipid-polymer interactions: effect on GUVs shapes and behavior Brigitte Pépin-Donat, François Quemeneur and Clément Campillo Introduction. Interactions between polymers and lipid membranes. Polymers affect membrane structures at different scales. GUVs with fluid membrane in interaction with LCST neutral polymers. GUVs with fluid membrane interacting with charged polymers. Vision. |
Part V: GUVs as complex membrane containers
Chapter 26 Polymersomes Praful Nair, David Christian and Dennis E. Discher Introduction. Block copolymer amphiphiles & assemblies. General background of structures. Motivation for polymer approaches. Other common block copolymers. Methods for synthesizing polymers. Methods for making and observing pGUVs. Common types of experiments. Conclusions. |
Chapter 27 Giant hybrid polymer/lipid vesicles Thi Phuong Tuyen Dao, Khalid Ferji, Fabio Fernandes, Manuel Prieto, Sébastien Lecommandoux, Emmanuel Ibarboure, Olivier Sandre and Jean-François Le Meins Introductory words. Criteria to be fulfilled to obtain hybrid giant vesicles. Specific aspects of the formation of giant hybrid unilamellar vesicles. Understanding membrane properties from membrane structure. Conclusion and perspectives. |
Chapter 28 Giant unilamellar vesicles: from protocell models to the construction of minimal cells Masayuki Imai and Peter Walde Introductory words. Fatty acid vesicles as protocell models. Self-reproduction of vesicles. Towards endovesicular enzymatic reactions that promote vesicles self-reproduction. The membrane physics of giant vesicles as protocell models. Some of the remaining big challenges. |
Chapter 29 Encapsulation of aqueous two-phase systems and gels within giant lipid vesicles Allyson M. Marianelli and Christine D. Keating Introductory words. Aqueous two-phase systems. Gels. Common types of experiments with compartimentalized GUVs. Looking forward. |
Chapter 30 Droplet-supported giant lipid vesicles as compartments for synthetic biology Johannes P. Frohnmayer, Marian Weiss, Lucia T. Benk,Jan-Willi Janiesch, Barbara Haller, Rafael B. Lira, Rumiana Dimova, Ilia Plazman and Joachim P. Spatz Introductory words. Formation, functionalization and characterization of microfluidic droplets: necessary ingredients and equipment. Formation of droplet-stabilized GUVs (dsGUVs). dsGUV biofunctionalization. Approaches for release of GUVs from dsGUVs. Summary and outlook for the future. |
Appendix 1
List of lipids and physical constants of lipid bilayers
Appendix 2
List of membrane dyes and fluorescent groups conjugated to lipids
Appendix 3
List of detergents
Appendix 4
List of water-soluble dyes or their fluorescent groups and their structures