Open positions

PhD or Postdoctoral positions in our group:

Applications from motivated, intelligent and hard-working students and postdoctoral fellows are very welcome.  Feel free to send your application even if an open position is not announced here, especially if your background and achievements are well suited to the research of our group. The members of my group are required to possess good communication and interaction skills. Even if a position is available, poorly written, obscure, and mass-mailed applications are not likely to be considered. To apply for an open position, e-mail your application including your CV, publication list and contact information of your previous supervisors. For PhD applicants, a record of your university grades is required as well. Interested applicants should feel free to contact members of the lab.

Open PhD positions:

Light-driven exocytosis of synthetic cells encapsulating condensates (project from ComeInCell: ERC funded MSCA doctoral network) APPLICATION CLOSED

Exploring the impact of protein condensates on membrane resilience and repair mechanisms (project from ComeInCell: ERC funded MSCA doctoral network) Link to apply

MSc students looking for a project: 

Please send an e-mail including your CV and university grades; feel free to share your interests. We could offer projects for master thesis related to ongoing work in the lab: check the topics of the group members.

Some funding programs for Postdocs:


(link for directions; Google map location):

Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Science Park Golm
14476 Potsdam

Tel.: 49-331-567-9615 (office) / 9627 (lab)
Fax.: 49-331-567-9612
Email: dimova(at)